War Studies Journal is a scholarly venue for those who want to write about the big topics of warfare, strategy, campaigns, battles, theory, military revolutions, and technological change. It is a journal for scholars who wish to read the best of contemporary scholarship and debate military history in a peer-reviewed forum that will appear annually in print and online. The objective of the editorial board is to publish cutting-edge military history from antiquity to the contemporary period that informs the past, present, and future. Our goal is to create a space for the serious discussion of Military History including its diplomatic, strategic, operational, tactical, and technological aspects both chronologically and thematically. The editorial board solicits submissions from leading scholars, experts, and early-career professionals on wide-ranging topics that will interest specialists in multiple disciplines and across multiple eras. Each volume will contain original research articles, one essay that explores the historical antecedents of a contemporary issue, and a significant number of book reviews.
Volume I can be purchased online at: https://www.tamupress.com/book/9781544045856/war-studies-journal-1/
Single issue: US$ 22
Available through
UNT Press
c/o Texas Book Consortium
(800) 826-8911
Volume I
"The Creation of the Seven Military Classics" by Peter Lorge
"Revisiting Russian Strategic Planning against Napoleon, 1810-1812" by Alexander Mikaberidze
"Histories of War" by Jeremy Black
"American Understandings of Chinese Strategy: A First-Draft Genealogy of the Search for a Chinese Way of War" by Harold M. Tanner
Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples since 1500, by Peter Wilson, reviewed by Sam A. Mustafa
Firepower: How Weapons Shaped Warfare, by Paul Lockhart, reviewed by Jeremy Black
Kutuzov: A Life in War and Peace, by Alexander Mikaberidze, reviewed by Roger R. Reese
The Cambridge History of the Napoleonic Wars, 3 vols., edited by Michael Broers, Philip Dwyer, Bruno Colson, Alexander Mikaberidze, Alan Forrest, and Peter Hicks, reviewed by Jordan R. Hayworth
Of Age: Boy Soldiers and Military Power in the Civil War Era, by Francis M. Clarke and Rebecca Jo Plant, reviewed by Ethan S. Rafuse
The Austro-Hungarian Army and the First World War, by Graydon A. Tunstall, reviewed by Geoffrey Wawro
Hitler's Panzer Generals: Guderian, Hoepner, Reinhardt and Schmidt Unguarded, by David Stahel, reviewed by Russell A. Hart
Eagles Overhead: The History of U.S. Air Force Forward Air Controllers from the Meuse-Argonne to Mosul, by Matt Dietz, reviewed by S. M. Pavelec
Mercy: Humanity in War, by Cathal J. Nolan, reviewed by Lisa M. Brady
Putin's War on Ukraine: Russia's Campaign for Global Counter-Revolution, by Samuel Ramani, reviewed by Sean McMeekin
Assisstant Editor
Jonathon Able
Geoffrey Wawro, University of North Texas
James Lacey, US Marine Corps War College
Doina Pasca Harsanyi, Central Michigan University
S. Michael Pavelec, US Air Command and Staff College
Sean McMeekin, Bard College
John Kuehn, US Army Command and General Staff College
Kevin McCranie, US Naval War College
Erica Charters, The University of Oxford
Lee L. Brice, Western Illinois University
Russell Hart, Hawaii Pacific University
Lisa Brady, Boise State University
Xiaobing Li, University of Central Oklahoma
Ethan Rafuse, US Army Command and General Staff College
John Stapleton, US Military Academy at West Point
Christy L. Pichichero, George Mason University
John Hosler, US Army Command and General Staff College
Jeremy Black, Exeter University, emeritus
John H. Gill, Near East-South Asia Center for Strategic Studies
Ronald Chrisman, Director, UNT Press