Vol. 30, No. 1, Spring 2000


Vol. 30, No. 1, Spring 2000

Table of Contents

"'Our Disgraceful Surrender': The Third Minnesota Infantry's Disintegration and Reconstruction in 1862-1863," by Joseph C. Fitzharris

Abstract: The "disgraceful surrender" of the 3rd Minnesota Infantry to forces led by Nathan Bedford Forrest on 13 July 1862, after merely skirmishing, reduced unit integrity and morale and prolonged discipline problems. The men of the regiment found redemption of honor in fighting the Sioux, strict discipline, drill, and service against guerrillas and on Steele's Little Rock expedition.
Key Words: Civil War; unit cohesion; Minnesota

"Civil War Frontier Defense Challenges in Northwest Texas," by Jeffrey M. Roth

Abstract: Far from the heralded and oft studied eastern battlefields, settlers and Indians clashed along Texas's northwest frontier. Throughout the war Texas labored to provide an adequate defense force for the region. In retrospect, Texas's efforts surpassed those of the antebellum and postwar Federal forces.
Key Words: Texas frontier; Civil War; Indian raids; frontier defense.

"'One Day Was Much Like Another': Union Soldiers on the Dakota Expeditions, 1863-1864," by Paul N. Beck

Abstract: In some ways, the U.S. Army troops who served on the Sioux Expeditions of 1863-1864 viewed their military service in Minnesota and Dakota much the same as soldiers in the armies fighting the Confederacy. For some of them, though, fighting on the northwest frontier against Native Americans seemed less important and less useful than service against the armies of the Confederacy.
Key Words: Sioux Expeditions; Minnesota; Dakota; volunteer soldiers.

"'Dear Husband': The Civil War Letters of Sophronia Joiner Chipman, Kankakee County, Illinois, 1863-1865," by Vicki Betts

Abstract: The letters of Sophronia Chipman to her husband in the 76th Illinois Infantry describe her life in rural Kankakee County during the second half of the Civil War. In them she discusses her concerns for her husband's health, the care of her family, neighbors, the draft, and the near loss of the family's farm.

Key Words: Civil War; Kankakee County; Illinois; homefront; women