Vol. 24, No. 2, Fall 1994


Vol. 24, No. 2, Fall 1994

Table of Contents

"Floating a Republican Idea: Jefferson's Gunboats at New Orleans," by Gene A. Smith

Abstract: This article examines the relationship between Thomas Jefferson's ideas about gunboats and defense and the implementation, albeit on a small scale, of his defensive scheme prior to the battle of New Orleans. The geography of the Gulf coast made Jefferson's multifarious plan for defense reasonable.
Key Words: Gunboats, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas ap Catesby Jones, Republican Ideology

"Santa Anna's Greatest Weapon: The Effect of Disease on the American Soldier During the Mexican War," by James M. McCaffrey

Abstract: Like all American wars before the mid-twentieth century, the Mexican War saw more soldiers die of disease than of hostile action. Lack of concern for personal hygiene, the inexact state of medical education, and the occasional shortage of medicines all contributed to the death toll.
Key Words: Mexican War, Santa Anna, Disease, Military Medicine

"'I Long to Return to Fort Concho': Acting Assistant Surgeon Samuel Smith's Letters from the Texas Military Frontier, 1878-1879," edited by John Neilson

Abstract: In the late 1870s, Dr. Samuel L. S. Smith (1844-1925), a U.S. Army surgeon serving in frontier Texas, wrote a series of poignant letters to his family in Indiana. Rich in the details of the daily affairs of an army surgeon, these previously unpublished accounts offer fresh insight and new perspectives into frontier military and pioneer conditions.
Key Words: Military Medicine, Indian Wars, Frontier, Fort Concho