Vol. 23 (Spring 1993), No. 1


Vol. 23 (Spring 1993), No. 1

Table of Contents

"Military Officers' Views of Indian Scouts, 1865-1890," by Paul N. Beck, pp. 1-19

Abstract: The post-Civil War U.S. Army used Indian scouts extensively. Different officers held different views of their abilities, courage, and trustworthiness. Officers rarely mentioned any Indians by name in their reports, often applied racist stereotypes to various tribes, and in general did not believe that Indians scouts were as good as white scouts.
Key Words: Indians, scouts, frontier, U.S. Army

"Thirty Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis: An Eastern New Mexico Missile Base Retrospective," by Terry Isaacs, pp. 21-38

Abstract: During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the missile bases in New Mexico became operational. Missile combat crews had confidence in themselves but not necessarily in the Atlas missiles stored precariously in underground silos. Some accidents occurred. Alert status increased morale, which had been very low.
Key Words: Cold War, New Mexico, missiles, civil defense

"Wearing Army Blue (and Green, and Red, and Gray . . .) During the Mexican War," by James M. McCaffrey, pp. 39-45

Abstract: Volunteers for the Mexican War asserted their individualism by their uniforms. Volunteer militias and regiments could choose their own uniforms, and most groups wanted to contrast as much as possible with regular army wear. When privately purchased clothing wore out during the war, it was difficult to replace.
Key Words: Mexican War, uniforms, volunteers, militia

"The Mexican War Journal of John James Dix: A Texian," ed. Dan R. Manning, pp. 47-74

Abstract: John James Dix came to Texas in 1834. As a young man he served the U.S. in the Mexican War behind the scenes in Texas. He kept a journal from 1847 to 1848, recording his experiences in Corpus Christi and in the Quartermaster Corps. Mostly he was bored and lonely, though he worked conscientiously as a supplier to the soldiers.
Key Words: Mexican War, Texas, quartermaster, sutler