Vol. 21 (Spring 1991), No. 1


Vol. 21 (Spring 1991), No. 1

Table of Contents

"A Thankless Job: Mexican Soldiers in the Spanish Borderlands," by Roberto Mario Salmon, pp. 1-19

Abstract: The string of presidios stretching across the northern Spanish frontier protected Spanish territory from Indians, French, English, and Americans. Though Reglamentos by Rivera and Rubi attempted to improve presidial conditions and effectiveness, Mexican soldiers serving in the presidios worked hard and fought well for little pay.
Key Words: Spanish Borderlands, presidios, frontier defense, Mexican soldiers

"'My Wild Hunt After Indians': The Journal of Willis L. Lang, 23 April-7 September 1860," edited by Thomas W. Cutrer, pp. 20-58

Abstract: Though Governor Sam Houston tried to make peace with the various Indian tribes of Texas, raids from Indian Territory disrupted life in north Texas. In the spring of 1860, volunteers, including Willis L. Lang, rode out to find and destroy Indian raiders. Though the campaign accomplished little, Lang's journal provides vivid descriptions of the scenery and animal life of the Red River valley, and of other people on the campaign.
Key Words: Texas, Indians, Sam Houston, frontier, diary

"A Privilege and Honor to Serve: The Free Black Militia of Spanish New Orleans," by Kimberly S. Hanger, pp. 59-86

Abstract: In Spanish Louisiana, serving in the militia was the one way for free black men to gain social status. They received the worst assignments but always performed well, gaining many accolades. Service in the militia brought official recognition as well as civic privileges, such as tax breaks. After the U.S. took over Louisiana, service in the militia earned less respect.
Key Words: Spanish Louisiana, New Orleans, free blacks, black soldiers, militia.

"Conditional Confederates: The Eleventh Texas Cavalry West of the Mississippi River," by Richard B. McCaslin, pp. 87-99

Abstract: Many men in north Texas opposed secession and joined the military only to defend their families from Indian attacks. The Eleventh Texas Cavalry, led by William C. Young, performed well against the Indians but suffered a high rate of desertion when ordered east of the Mississippi. Most left the unit to stay in Texas and defend their families.
Key Words: Civil War, Texas, cavalry, frontier, Indians