Dr. Kathryn Beebe
• European Concentration: Medieval History
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Culture and Everyday Life; Gender and Sexuality;
Institutions, Networks, and Power; Religion and Belief; Science, Technology, and Medicine
Dr. Roberto Calderon
• US History Concentration: Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century, Twentieth Century,
Texas, Mexican American
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Borderlands, Migration, and Diaspora; Labor
and Political Economy; Memory and Representation; Politics and Policy; Race and Ethnicity
• World History Examination Field: Latin America
Dr. Guy Chet
• US History Concentration: Colonial and Revolutionary, Early National, Military
• European Concentration: 17th- and 18th-Century Europe, Military
• Military History Concentration: Ancient Greece & Rome, 18th Century Europe, British
Empire and Commonwealth, American Military Culture, British/Colonial America, Native
American Warfare, American Revolution, Early US Military History to 1815, War and
Society, The Military Revolution, Revolution and Insurgency
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Borderlands, Migration, and Diaspora; Empire,
Indigeneity, and (De)Colonization; Institutions, Networks, and Power; Politics and
Policy; War, Society, and Martial Culture
• World History Examination Field: Imperialism
Dr. Christopher Fuhrmann
• European Concentration: Ancient, Classical Greece & Rome
• Military History Concentration: Ancient Greece & Rome, War and Society, War and
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Environment; Institutions; Networks and Power;
Politics and Policy; War, Society, and Martial Culture
Dr. Richard Golden
• European Concentration: 17th- and 18th-Century Europe, Early Modern France
Dr. Connie Hilliard
• World History Examination Field: Africa
Dr. Kate Imy
• European Concentration: 19th-Century Europe, 20th-Century Europe, Military, Modern
Britain, Women and Gender
• Military History Concentration: British Empire and Commonwealth, World War I, Race
and War, War and Society, Gender and War, War and Religion, Culture of War
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Borderlands, Migration, and Diaspora; Empire,
Indigeneity, and (De)Colonization; Race and Ethnicity; Religion and Belief; War, Society,
and Martial Culture
• World History Examination Field: Imperialism
Dr. Michael Leggiere
• European Concentration: 17th- and 18th-Century Europe, Revolutionary Europe, 19th-Century
Europe, Military, Early Modern France, Modern France,
• Military History Concentration: 18th Century Europe, 19th Century Europe, French
Revolution & Napoleon, Modern Germany, Modern France, Race and War, War and Society,
Culture of War, The Military Revolution, Military Theory and Strategic Thought
Dr. Vojin Majstorovic
• European Concentration: 20th-Century Europe, Military, Austria-Hungary and the Balkans,
Russia, Modern Germany
Military History Concentration: WWII, War and Society, Culture of War.
BPI Concentration: War, Society, and Martial Culture
Dr. Richard McCaslin
• US History Concentration: Civil War and Reconstruction, Texas, Military
• Military History Concentration: American Military Culture, US Civil War, Texas Military
Dr. Sandra Mendiola-Garcia
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Institutions, Networks, and Power; Labor and
Political Economy
• World History Examination Field: Latin America
Dr. Alexander Mendoza
• US History Concentration: Civil War and Reconstruction, Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century,
Twentieth Century, Texas, Military, Mexican American
• Military History Concentration: World War II, American Military Culture, Early US
Military History to 1815, US Civil War, 20th Century US Military History, Texas Military
History, Race and War, War and Society, Culture of War
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Race and Ethnicity; War, Society, and Martial
Dr. Alfred Mierzejewski
• European Concentration: 19th-Century Europe, 20th-Century Europe, Military, Modern
Germany, Economics & the Welfare State
• Military History Concentration: 19th Century Europe, Modern Germany, Word War II,
Cold War
Dr. Rachel Moran
• US History Concentration: Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century, Twentieth Century,
Women and Gender
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Food and the Body; Gender and Sexuality; Labor
and Political Economy; Politics and Policy; Science, Technology, and Medicine
Dr. Marilyn Morris
• European Concentration: 17th- and 18th-Century Europe, Revolutionary Europe, 17th-
and 18th-Century Britain, Women and Gender
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Gender and Sexuality; Institutions, Networks,
and Power; Politics and Policy
Dr. Todd Moye
• US History Concentration: Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century, Twentieth Century,
New South, African American; Local
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Institutions, Networks, and Power; Memory and
Representation; Politics and Policy; Race and Ethnicity
Dr. Wesley Phelps
• US History Concentration: Twentieth Century, New South, Texas, Local history; Women
& Gender
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Gender and Sexuality; Networks and Power; Politics
and Policy
Dr. Clark Pomerleau
• US History Concentration: Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century, Twentieth Century,
Women and Gender
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Environment; Gender and Sexuality; Memory and
Representation; Religion and Belief
Dr. Gustav Seligmann
• US History Concentration: Colonial and Revolutionary; Early National
• Military History Concentration: American Military Culture
Dr. Todd Smith
• US History Concentration: Colonial and Revolutionary, Early National, American West,
Spanish and French Borderlands, Texas
• Military History Concentration: Native American Warfare
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Empire, Indigeneity, and (De)Colonization
• World History Examination Field: Imperialism
Dr. Nancy Stockdale
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Borderlands, Migration, and Diaspora; Empire,
Indigeneity, and (De)Colonization; Gender and Sexuality; Institutions, Networks, and
Power; Memory and Representation; Race and Ethnicity; Religion and Belief
• World History Examination Field: Imperialism, Middle East
Dr. Harold Tanner
• Military History Concentration: China and Far East, Revolution and Insurgency, Military
Theory and Strategic Thought
• World History Examination Field: Imperialism, Modern China
Dr. Audrey Thorstad
• European Concentration: Renaissance; Reformation; Women and Gender
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Culture and Everyday Life, Gender and Sexuality,
Dr. Andrew Torget
• US History Concentration: Early National, Civil War and Reconstruction, Late 19th-
and Early 20th-Century, Old South, Spanish and French Borderlands, Texas; Local
• Military History Concentration: US Civil War, Texas Military History
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Borderlands, Migration, and Diaspora; Institutions,
Networks, and Power; Race and Ethnicity;
• World History Examination Field: Latin America
Dr. Christopher Todd
• US History Concentration: Colonial and Revolutionary Era; Early National; Old South;
African American
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Borderlands, Migrations, Diaspora; Labor and
Political Economy; Memory and Representation; Race and Ethnicity; Religion and Belief;
Institutions, Networks, and Power.
Dr. Olga Velikanova
• European Concentration: 19th-Century Europe, 20th-Century Europe, Russia
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Culture and Everyday Life; Memory and Representation;
Religion and Belief
Dr. Jennifer Wallach
• US History Concentration: Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century, Twentieth Century,
New South, African American
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Culture and Everyday Life; Food and the Body;
Memory and Representation; Race and Ethnicity
Dr. Geoffrey Wawro
• European Concentration: Revolutionary Europe, 19th-Century Europe, 20th-Century
Europe, Military, Early Modern France, Modern Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Balkans
• Military History Concentration: 19th Century Europe, Modern Germany, Modern France,
British Empire and Commonwealth, World War I, World War II, Cold War, 20th Century
US Military History, War and Society, Culture of War, Revolution and Insurgency, Military
Theory and Strategic Thought
Dr. Michael Wise
• US History Concentration: Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century, Twentieth Century,
American West
• Body, Place, Identity Concentration: Empire, Indigeneity, and (De)Colonization;
Environment; Food and the Body; Memory and Representation; Science, Technology, and
Medicine; Culture and Everyday Life